Urbano London networking evening event
Institute of Directors
116 Pall Mall

- Wednesday January 16th 6:00pm
- Institute of Directors Map
- Member £0.00 + VAT
- Non-Member £28.00 + VAT
- Add event to my calendar
Our first London networking evening will be hosted by 116 Pall Mall, the home of the Institute of Directors in London.
Urbano's London networking evenings are free to members* but non-members are always welcome. These networking evening events always bring together a diverse mix of business owners, directors and senior managers from across all sectors of London corporate and commercial sectors.
Urbano monthly London evening networking events are famously relaxed and informal events, with facilitated networking and a unique online Event Group for post-event networking. Everyone is also given an attendee sheet with the details of every company and their representatives.
No-one talks business, at least not in that direct 'Hi, I'm Brad! Here is my brochure!' way, so everyone gets to meet each other in a friendly, unhurried and informal way. Urbano's MD, Mark Herring, helps you find interesting contacts within the roomful of business owners, directors, partners, senior managers and entrepreneurs.
The conversations are always unpushy and the emphasis is on making connections with everyone, and like all Urbano events the evening is seen as a catalyst to future business opportunities, collaborations, associations and potential new contracts.
Urbano's evening networking events are free for members. Or you can book and pay as a non-member. Non-member companies are always welcome at Urbano networking events . See the link below for membership terms and details on how to join Urbano in time to attend this event free.*
"Urbano evening events are the best nights of networking I have ever had. I have been to hundreds of events but the mix of people and connections I make are always brilliant for me and my business. Truly the most fun and productive nights EVER. And you can quote me on that.”
Maverick Litchfield Kelly, Neath Films (www.neathfilms.com)
* Join Urbano and your company can attend this and all our monthly evening events free! Join before your third event and you can enjoy your first event as a member in 2012 free PLUS get your profile added to THREE online Event Groups of previous Urbano events.
For details, email mark@urbanonetwork.co.uk!
* Non-member prices quoted on the Urbano website are the discounted rate for a company's first two visits. You can continue to attend events but the prices rise and the price quoted on the payment page (usually £28 - £45) is the price relevant to you.
To enjoy this this event at quoted member rate and details of benefits of membership including the free evening events, click here Urbano Membership.
Each Urbano event has a unique online Event Group where every attendee and their company is profiled, accessed through your own Urbano Dashboard. Members get access to full contact details of every attendee. All attendees can access the profiles of people you meet at this event through the Event Group published after the event.
To join Urbano and enjoy this event for free - and all our over monthly evening events - Urbano offers two types of membership.
Annual membership allows anyone to represent your company at our events and enjoy the unique access Urbano's online system offers. Join NOW and enjoy membership till December 31st, 2013 and your first event as a member FREE.
Individual membership is £25 per month and is designed for small and start-up companies or for those who will uniquely represent their company.
For more details, click here or email Urbano: