Urbano Network Members Networking Round Table - May 2021

Urbano Members Round Table
Urbano Network online
London, W1N NER5

Urbano Members Round Table
  • Wednesday May 5th 10:00am
  • Urbano Members Round Table

As we see the road to re-opening of venues subject to strict regulations, for the time-being we continue to bring our members together virtually and on-screen for our next monthly Urbano Members Networking Round Table.

Lasting an hour, Urbano Round Tables are informal drop-ins, a chance to chat, meet new faces, and find new introductions. After checking in on everyone, we will disappear into break-out rooms where if you don't find someone interesting to talk to we will give you a full refund (it's free).

Booking essential to get sent the Zoom link. Exclusively for members and no limit on who you send. If you have anyone who thinks on-screen networking is dull and impossible to use to make connections, book them on.

Quotes from recent hostages I mean attendees: 
"very funny chat... Urbano coffee mornings are always a highlight of lockdown!... I totally agree - they're wholesome and authentic! Hilarious sometimes too!... One of the many benefits from Urbano....Great chat as always...let's smash 2021".

If you aren't a member, please click here for details on what membership brings: Urbano Membership
