Urbano Network Members Networking Round Table - July 2021

Urbano Members Round Table
Online, W1N N3R5

Urbano Members Round Table

As we look forward to more loosening of restrictions to allow us al to meet our friends and colleagues in physical spaces, alongside the roll-out of vaccines, for the time-being, we continue to bring our members together virtually and on-screen for our next monthly Urbano Members Networking Round Table.

Lasting an hour, Urbano Round Tables are informal drop-ins, a chance to chat, meet new faces, and find new introductions. After checking in on everyone, we will disappear into break-out rooms where if you don't find someone interesting to talk to we will give you a full refund (it's free).

Booking essential to get sent the Zoom link. Exclusively for member companies and no limit on who you send. If you have anyone who thinks on-screen networking is dull and impossible to use to make connections, book them on.

Quotes from recent hostages I mean attendees: 
"very funny chat... Urbano coffee mornings are always a highlight of lockdown!... I totally agree - they're wholesome and authentic! Hilarious sometimes too!... One of the many benefits from Urbano....Great chat as always...let's smash 2021".

** Urbano is a membership organisation. This and other Urbano online events are free for Urbano Members. Our events are also free for representatives of Non-Member Companies who have not used up their TOTAL QUOTA OF THREE places at our events for its team members. If you click through and get charged a fee, please email the office here and we can check your status. If you aren't a member, please click here for details on what membership brings: Urbano Membership
