Urbano Zero Carbon Round Table event - Commitment, Collaboration & COP26

Urbano Zero Carbon Round Table - Collaboration
Urbano Online
London, W1N N3R

Urbano Zero Carbon Round Table - Collaboration
  • Thursday November 11th 9:30am
  • Urbano Zero Carbon Round Table - Collaboration

Urbano hosts a calendar of different events designed to bring together different mixes of companies from across our various business communities: Build, Create-Media, Finance, People, Host, Tech, UWACTE (Urbano Women In Architecture, Construction, Technology and Engineering) and Zero Carbon.

The timing of this event is deliberate as on this day at COP26, representatives of the world's governments will be specifically be addressing 'Cities, Regions & The Built Environment - advancing action in the places with live, from communities through to cities and regions'.

We want to use this event to bring together those companies and individuals in our community who are responsible for helping their companies make progress towards Net Zero Carbon to participate in a 'round table' discussion format.

The key themes will be looking at the journey so far from key participants on their own pathway to net zero carbon, how we can use collaborationas a way of delivering progress towards addressing climate change commitments, and finally updates on what new targets and thinking COP26 has delivered. COP26 Programme

Our focus at urbano is to connect companies who can find areas where they can collaborate, improve each other as businesses and business people, and find new opportunities. 

Most opportunities come attached to a person and these are revealed through conversation. Hosted by Mark Herring's Connector-in-Chief, these online events are a mix of company and personal introductions, followed by interactive discussions designed to uncover areas where attendees can share their company and personal developments and services to reduce emissions.

Recent testimonials
"This was my first virtual networking event and in some ways it worked even better than a physical one as I got to meet and hear from all the people!" MD, IT Company

"I thought the conversation was steered well and allowed newcomers to talk, discuss/join in. I like the way you pulled threads of conversations into a topic for further discussion and of course I am interested in the sustainability angle." Sustainability advisor

** Urbano is a membership organisation. This and other Urbano online events are free for Urbano Members. Our events are also free for representatives of Non-Member Companies who have not used up their TOTAL QUOTA OF TWO places at our events for its representatives. If you click through and get charged more than the published fee, please email the office here and we can check your status. 

If you aren't a member, please click here for details on what membership brings: Urbano Membership
