Urbano Members Christmas Networking Reception
- Member £0.00 + VAT
- Non-Member £100.00 + VAT
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We provide award-winning IT Support to help your business succeed. ResponsibleIT is a stamp that we put on everything we do to ensure that we are a company for good. It helps guide our decision-making process as we embark on improving the world around us. It sounds preachy, we know, but that’s the truth of it.?
Urbano's 2021 Christmas Networking Reception will be hosted by Lucidica at their event space in Shoreditch where Urbano members will mingle and meet with Lucidica's clients.
Our last face-to-face Christmas networking evening was two years ago! This event see us kick-starting Christmas celebrations with companies across our membership, representing the diverse range of businesses, from SMEs to PLC, in our various communities: Build, Finance, Creative, Hospitality, Media, People, Tech and UWACTE.
Urbano Member Company - Lucidica - based at Accelerator London - are our hosts for the evening and our reception sponsor. Lucidica provides award-winning IT support and is one of the founding members of Urbano Network who have supported us from the beginning with a legacy in Shoreditch that goes back to 1999. In 2015, they expanded overseas, opening an office in Kiev. The venue, Accelerator London, is their home and part of the London Met who have been passionate about helping startup companies grow and early-stage entrepreneurs turn ideas into viable ventures.
There are always plenty of chances to talk, share information, build associations and develop new business. We make introductions between businesses where we feel there will be common interest and value, often using knowledge gained by previous conversations or our own research.
Join us for drinks courtesy of our hosts in the stylish event space on the ground floor at Accelerator.
Each Urbano event has a unique online Event Group where every attendee and their company is profiled, accessed through your own Urbano Dashboard. Members get access to full contact details of every attendee. All attendees can access the profiles of people you meet at this event through the Event Group published after the event.
Non-member companies are welcome to book (at non-member rates) and send representatives to up to TWO Urbano events before needing to join to continue to develop valuable relationships across London's most dynamic business community.
To join Urbano in time to attend this event for free, please view benefits and options for Companies, Micro Businesses and Individuals.