Urbano Speaker Networking Event - ESG in property

Seddons Solicitors
120 New Cavendish Street
London, W1W 6XX


Urbano Speaker Panel events look at major issues facing businesses, from practical ways for businesses to reduce their impact on the environment to AI and new technology through to how the modern office needs to transition into a place that employees want to work from. 

Our starting point for every speaker event we organise is how do we help our SME membership across our communities connect and while there find and share relevant knowledge, take lessons to help them adapt and thrive in the competitive marketplace and be better employers and businesses.

For our first event in 2024, we shall be exploring the first publication from UCL’s new Centre for Sustainable Governance and Law, based in the Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment, entitled, ESG in the Real Estate Finance Industry.

Exploring the report and the issues it raises will be lead author, Dr Armando Castro
Associate Professor at The Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction, and Kell Jones, Lecturer in Management of the Built Environment, also at The Bartlett.

This interactive event will look at financial reporting and investing, regulation and how ESG needs to be more of a proactive set of mechanisms and relationships to drive change rather than a toolkit for greenwashing in the finance, property, real estate and construction sectors.

Urbano will also focus on creating those connections from which new opportunities can be created. All attendees will enjoy a continental breakfast and coffee courtesy of our hosts Seddons, a law firm specialising in real estate, family law, wealth management, disputes, corporate and employment law.

We are currently having issues with our payments provider site communicating confirmations to our website. When booking, complete the card page on the payment site and click ONCE.

If you get an error message, or your card is declined, do not attempt another payment. Email Mark and he will check if the payment has gone through and send confirmation. 


Published non-member price is for first-time visitors to Urbano.

Due to the nature of our events, bookings once made can be transferred to another representative of the booking company but cannot be cancelled and refunded.

Memberships pay for us to exist and to organise events. All Urbano events - unless stated - are open to non-member companies which can book a maximum of TWO Urbano events for their team members attend. We will notify you when this maximum has been reached.

To join Urbano in time for this event, please view benefits and options here: www.urbanonetwork.co.uk/membership

Proof of attendance will be available for CPD purposes.
