Open Workshop - Global Mobilty

Farnham Castle
Castle Street
Farnham, GU9 0AG

Farnham Castle

About Farnham Castle Intercultural Training

Farnham Castle Intercultural Training - cross-cultural training consultancy, helping businesses to work more effectively internationally.

Open Workshop: Global Mobility-The Expatriate Lifecycle…. from Recruitment and Selection to Repatriation


Delivered as part of our Intercultural Training Workshop Series 2018


Date:   Thursday 22nd February 2018

Time:   10:00 - 16:00 (GMT)

Venue:  Farnham Castle, Surrey

Cost:    £350 per delegate


Why attend ?

With the rise of the Global Manager, and the importance of an adaptation of strategy for understanding and communicating from one culture to another, there has never been a more important time for Global Mobility training. Cultural intelligence will become a pre-requisite for all assignees.


Global Competency Framework

If you are currently developing a Global Competency Framework for your business, or have been working with one for some time, but would like to review its effectiveness, this One Day Workshop is for you………………

• It offers the opportunity to understand the latest trends in the industry for approaching Global Mobility.
• It provides the opportunity to reconsider the Global Competency Framework.
• It looks at the stages of identifying, assessing, interviewing, selecting, on-boarding, developing and supporting assignees.
• It looks at how to best utilise an assignee's learning and experiences through repatriation...

"It’s one of the most highly tailored programmes that we offer. An interactive day, shaped to meet your business’ circumstances, and the challenges that you face"


Take a step back from the day to day, debate, test and challenge your global mobility strategy!

This course is only available to a small number of delegates in order to establish the necessary confidentiality that this kind of workshop requires.
We have had excellent feedback from past delegates on how important the opportunity was:

• To review the impact of current strategies with like-minded peers, facing similar situations;
• To take away insights and best practice; and
• To discover new ways of working to deliver global business goals.


Confirm your place

Places are limited - If you wish to attend the Workshop, please email Geraldine Lupton

Or for more information, please call: +44 (0) 1252 720415

Or visit:

If you have a colleague who you feel will benefit from attending, please pass on these details
