Urbano Network Tenders Opportunities & Upcoming Events

Urbano has been connecting companies of all sizes and sectors to learn, share, and explore ways to create future new business opportunities since our beginnings in Shoreditch in the early 2000's. 

As part of our services, we source and publish a weekly list of tenders relevant to our members' diverse services. View this week's list below or search using CTRL F + keywords here: Tenders @ Urbano

For videos of previous Urbano speaker events on topics such as AI, procurement, especially how to encourage submissions from SMEs, guidance for those who write bids and those who are responsbile for writing ITTs, click here: Urbano Network Videos

For podcast versions, click here: Urbano Network Podcasts

For details on how to join Urbano, click here: Urbano Membership

Urbano is a Talent Lab Production.



Wednesday September 11th Urbano Top Table networking lunch, Clerkenwell

Wednesday September 11th Residential Property Forum for conveyancing professional - online (Stewart Title)

Thursday September 26th Urbano speaker networking breakfast with the new Editor of City AM, (Watson Farley Williams) 

Wednesday October 9th Urbano Women In Business Community Top Table, The Harben Room, St James's

Thursday October 24th Urbano Build speaker breakfast featuring Sophie Hine, Head of BTR Operations at John Lewis Partnership

Wednesday November 6th Urbano Build community Top Table

To view all upcoming Urbano events and those of our members, click here: Urbano events calendar


Centro Planning

Doyle Clayton

Portt & Co

Design 4 Structures

Clarke Willmott

Watson, Farley & Williams




1. Contract for refurbishment of accommodation building

2. Contractor for series of works at heritage building

3. Design and redevelop play area

4. Early notice for framework of construction services suppliers for new tech/testing building

5. Extension and disabled living adaptation works for council

6. External repair works for velodrome

7. Facade works for retail unit in conservation area

8. Fire protection works for residential block

9. Fire Risk Assessment and Fire Strategy for multi-venue group

10. Fire safety remedial works for flats

11. Framework of asbestos removal contractors

12. Framework of facilities management services providers

13. Framework of mechanical and electrical works suppliers

14. Framework of vacant property service suppliers for organisation

15. Infrastructure delivery plan consultancy for council

16. Lab refurbishment and plant replacement for organisation

17. Main contractor for listed building works

18. Main infrastructure works for new development

19. Multidisciplinary development services for council

20. Principal contractor for refurbishment development

21. Refurbishment of retail space

22. Residential property managing agent services for council

23. Restaurant refurbishment works for hospital

24. Roof and terrace repairs for council

25. Roof works for organisation


26. Digital media buying services for council

27. Editing, proof-reading and copywriting services suppliers for organisation

28. Film and photography services for organisation

29. Framework for communications tools, print management and document management

30. Framework of creative agencies and services providers to deliver creative projects with organisation

31. Hosting and maintenance of websites for organisation

32. Interpretation and wayfinding fabrication and installation services for venue

33. Media planning and buying for organisation

34. Recruitment advertising services for organisation

35. Audit for organisation

36. Audit, assurance, forensic accounting for government department

37. Auditor for schools group

38. External audit services for university

39. Framework of financial advisory services providers for housing organisations

40. Health and safety consultancy for organisation with onsite and FM teams

41. Property valuers to assess council's assets

42. Technical support required for organisation's noise and statutory nuisance policy teams


43. AV freelance technician for organisation's events


44. Building cleaning services required by school

45. Employee engagement and customer feedback platform development for organisation

46. Governance expert to lead L&D session for organisation

47. HR system development for housing body

48. Human resources information system supply for organisation

49. Leadership and management training for national organisation inc managing change and maintaining resilience

50. Visitor insight programme services for organisation

51. Air conditioning works for council

52. Electric vehicle infrastructure and associated solutions for council

53. Forest conservation strategy planning consultancy for organisation

54. Solar panel installation for council

55. Waste and environmental management strategy development consultancy for energy body

56. Waste modelling tool for organisation


1. Architectural and landscape architecture services for hospital development

2. Conservation architect/landscape architect design team for park redevelopment

3. Contractor for heritage project

4. Contractor for structural and related works on council estate

5. Design and build contractor for affordable housing development

6. Design and build for museum redevelopment

7. Fire alarm works for organisation

8. Fire door replacement for council

9. Fire door replacements for organisation

10. Fire risk assessment and fire strategy for venue

11. Fire safety works for organisation

12. Framework of civil engineering works and services inc geotechnical (surveying and ground investigation services)

13. Framework of construction, technical consultancy and related service suppliers PIN for organisation

14. Framework of contractors to undertake building condition surveys 

15. Framework of geotechnical and geo-environmental service suppliers PIN for council

16. Framework of main contractors for housing association developments

17. Framework of modular building service suppliers for council

18. Framework of modular building services supplies - PIN

19. Internal refurbishment works for leisure centre

20. Lead design services for housing organisation development

21. Main contractor for heritage building refurbishment

22. Metal fencing services for council

23. Public realm engagement consultancy for development project

24. Roof works for council

25. Roofing works for university

26. Window replacement for depot

27. Communications agencies for project with health organisation

28. Creative agency to develop campaigns for organisation

29. Design, artwork and production for annual and other reports for organisation

30. PR agencies invited to join roster with transport sector organisation

31. Consultant to undertake feasibility study for council inc marketing strategy for area's economic development

32. External statutory audit services for organisation

33. Financial advisory services supply for housing organisation inc assessments

34. Framework of legal services providers (separate lots) for housing association: HR, housing, development, assets

35. Professional Service Providers to provide valuations for accounting purposes


36. 5G network services PIN for project

37. Broadband services supplier for schools group

38. Data and compliance services for organisation

39. Entrance doors and screens and door entry systems installations and maintenance for council

40. Framework of accessibility services providers for organisation

41. Framework of telecoms design and build services suppliers - inc cabling, wireless networks, data centre, etc - PIN for rail organisation

42. Hosting and storage services PIN for government department

43. Intranet and extranet platform development PIN for organisation

44. Leisure business system CRM supply for council

45. Market intelligence and document search platform development for organisation

46. Noise and track monitoring system for transport body

47. Operations processing system supply PIN for organisation

48. SMS notification services for government department

49. Social value planning and management platform for organisation

50. Crowd forecasting platform required by organisation

51. Framework of talent mapping/recruitment/retention tools for senior appointments

52. Framework of translation, transcription, interpreting and similar services

53. Public consultation and market research survey agency for council project

54. Public consultation and market research surveys for council

55. Residents panel services for council

56. Air filter services for schools

57. Community kitchen garden rebuild works for organisation

58. Design, supply, installation of heating systems for council

59. Design, supply, installation of solar panel systems for council buildings

60. Electric vehicle charge point services for organisation

61. Electric vehicle charge points for council

62. Framework of decarbonisation contractors inc electrical, heat pump installers, PAS2035, energy storage, etc

63. Heating network design and installation services for council

64. Local area energy plans services for council

65. Water network management services for organisation



1. Architect-led design team services for development of apartments

2. Consultancy to carry out risk review of critical infrastructure for hospital

3. Contractor for leisure centre refurbishment and repurposing project

4. Design and installation of internal glazed screens for council building

5. Electrical testing and associated works PIN for housing body

6. Facilities management services for organisation

7. Fire safety and maintenance PIN for council

8. Framework of architects and related services suppliers for NHS

9. Framework of building safety and compliance services providers (separate lots): asbestos, legionella, fire safety - various, security

10. Framework of civil engineers and related works suppliers PIN for organisation

11. Framework of construction and related services for large heritage refurbishment project

12. Framework of construction related services suppliers inc architects, surveyors, engineers-structural/civil/fire/building, QS, fire, heritage, sustainability, carbon, cost, project mgmt & similar

13. Framework of mechanical, electrical, plumbing contractors for housing organisation

14. Framework of property maintenance contractors for organisation

15. Framework of renovation and refurbishment works suppliers PIN for housing body - online supplier briefing

16. Health and safety consultancy for conservation project

17. Ice centre external cladding snagging rectification works

18. Inspection of properties covered by private sector housing licensing scheme

19. Lead contractor for regeneration development project

20. Main infrastructure works for development site

21. Mechanical and electrical services for large site

22. Modular and prefab building services for organisation

23. Modular building services for organisation

24. Noise insulation scheme suppliers for transport body

25. Reservoir improvement project works for council

26. Roof and facade refurbishment for embassy


27. Agency to work on projects inc signage and information boards for visitor space

28. AV and related equipment supply for college

29. Framework of creative design services suppliers to support organisation

30. Graphic design agency inc illustration and animation for organisation

31. New website for organisation

32. Public affairs and engagement agency and corporate communications agency services for organisation

33. Sales and marketing agent for new homes development

35. External auditors for housing body

36. Framework of companies offering the following: experiential advertising, sponsorship, vending machines, pop-up retails services, storage lockers, automated retail & similar

37. Framework of treasury, corporate and related services for organisation

38. Non domestic ratings advisor for venues group

39. Accounting valuations of estate for venue

40. CCTV design, installation, removal works for organisation

41. Consultants required to support business case and investment for new technology centre

42. Door entry systems for council

43. E-commerce platform for organisation

44. Enterprise service management solution services for council

45. E-procurement platform for organisation

46. IT managed services for organisation

47. Marine and coastal networks temperature and humidity sensors supply for organisation

48. Provision of audio visual and connectivity equipment and support for council

49. Business services, enterprise resource planning, resource management, business process outsourcing services, systems integration for police body

50. Finance and HR/payroll system replacement for council

51. Human resources information system supply for university

52. Proposals invited for disability and neurodiversity workplace training

53. Stakeholder survey for organisation

54. Climate change risk assessment and adaptation advice for national park

55. Design, supply, installation of solar panels for schools

56. Service and maintenance of air quality monitoring stations for council

57. Solar panel installation services for council building

58. Supply and installation of EV chargers for organisation with multiple sites
