Representative Profile

John Fox


Attymass Brickwork Ltd

John  Fox

Events attended

  • Urbano Build Networking Event with Dr David Hancock

    Thursday Jan 12th 2017

    Read more >

About John

Specialists in bricklaying, and undertake all aspects of construction from the ground works through to the finishing trades.

Personal Interests

First and foremost its Footall, whilst I dont play any more I still enjoy watching and attendng games. Meeting up with friends many of whom I have had since a teenager is also something I look forward to. Whlst I dont get enough time to travel I really look forward to trpis away particularly to Italy.

I also teach construction at the College of North West London.

John is a representative of Attymass Brickwork Ltd:

Attymass Brickwork Ltd
Attymass Brickwork Ltd

Specialists in bricklaying, and undertake all aspects of construction from the ground works through to the finishing trades.

